Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Out with the--sorta-old and in with the--new to me.

Weaving has become a passion and a focus for me these days.  I have found that mastering the frustrations of warping a loom and then watching fabric develop from the threads I add is both exhilarating and calming.  I love watching what ever I am weaving come to the point I recognise the pattern and at the same time, the changing of the treadles, the throwing of the shuttle and the beating of the weft, all have a zen quality as you repeat and repeat and repeat some more. 

Yesterday I finished a scarf for my husband.  He supports all my fiber activities and has received hats and socks from me.  But yesterday I gave him a 6 ft long scarf.  Now, he is very color challenged.  He doesn't like it.  He is truly a black and white kind of guy.  So how to make some interest??  Start off with the basics-a solid black warp.  Not too many. But the initial weaving was too tight, tear it out, cut if off and start again.  Add MORE warp, change the reed and rethread.  Now try again.  Don't like pattern, change that.  Found one and looks nice.  But wait, doesn't look like what it is in the book.  Look to the underside--there is the pattern!!  Draft was written for a sinking shed and mine is a rising shed.  That's okay, will weave and then turn over.  But back to the color--or lack thereof.  The weft was harder to choose.  I ended up using a nice merino/silk/nylon blend I bought in NJ a few months ago.  It is a variegated grey with silver thread shot thru it.  And lo and behold...he loves it.  YES, success!

So what next?  More kitchen towels.  I started to wind a warp of 400 ends, a 4 yd warp to do 5 towels for an exchange.  Then some nice friend pointed out that I can't realistically get 5 towels out of a 4yd warp unless I make them really small.  Already have half of the warp wound so I am NOT going to undo it and start again.  Change of plans. I told my daughter I would do towels for her.  So, 4 towels with 2 colors will work just fine.  Then I can wind a 5yd warp-or more-to do the towels for the exchange.  There is a solution to every problem if we look hard enough.

Now back to the cryptic title..

I bartered a few months ago for a 4 harness table loom.  It was in fair condition and I did a little work and got it into much better shape.  I thought it would be a good class loom.  Only problem is--it is way to big to have just 'sitting around'.  So I sold it--to a lady that is currently in Florida and lives in a bus motorhome.  And so out with the sorta old.  As for the in with the new to me.. I found a Harrisville 22" 4 harness, 4 treadle loom that folds to 14" wide.  And I even have a place I plan to store it.  And I will pick it up in 2 weeks.  As my husband says, I reinvested the equity of the first loom to get the 2nd. 

Still knitting but not too much.  Worked on the FLS and have to finish some fingerless mitts very soon for a person at work.  Gonna take it with me tonight.  But in the mean time...I just keep moving forward.

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